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AWEPA Heads of Sections Meeting in October in Brussels

Coinciding with a Governing Council meeting, AWEPA HQ tries to organise once a year a meeting with all the Heads of the AWEPA Sections in Europe. During these meetings the Heads of the Sections have the opportunity to exchange knowledge and experience and to get inspired by the work of other sections.

This activity aims to consult with AWEPA sections in order to gather information and brainstorm about their role in the development and implementation of AWEPA projects and programmes (e.g. briefing the sections on important topics such as NEPAD, the MDGs and parliamentary tracking of ODA) and how to improve these. The Heads of Sections will be briefed on AWEPA’s programmes and upcoming activities and during the meeting they will discuss which areas would be important to engage in. Other topics to be addressed at the meeting will be the work of the sections and a discussion on successes and lessons learned concerning AWEPA’s activities in Europe during the past years.

Date: 21 October, 2010
Place: Belgium Parliament, Brussels

Further Information:

>>> AWEPA Heads of Sections Meeting